Thursday, January 11, 2007

Condensed History of 2nd Battalion, 32nd Field Artillery
The 32nd Field Artillery Regiment, Proud Americans, was organized at Camp Meade, Maryland, in 1918, and assigned to the 11th Division. The World War ended before the Regiment could enter the fray, and it was demobilized before the year was out. On October 1, 1940, the 2nd Battalion, 7th Field Artillery was redisignated the 32nd Field Artillery Battalion, an organic unit of the 1st Infantry Division, and Activated at Fort Ethan Allen, Vermont. By regulation, the 32nd Artillery lost all rights to honors and history earned by the 2nd Battalion, 7th Artillery. By the end of World War II, however, the Proud Americans could be found wanting neither honors nor history.
At 0120 Hours on November 8, 1942, as part of Operation Torch, the 32nd Field Artillery landed in Algeria and had the first artillery piece in position and ready to fire within two hours of landing. At 1020 Hours, the Proud Americans claimed the first artillery round fired by U.S. Artillery against an enemy in the European-African, Middle Eastern Theater in World War II.
The 32nd Field Artillery Battalion saw action in 1943 in the Tunisian Campaign, and in the Battle for Kasserine Pass, where the Proud Americans earned the French Croix de Guerre with Palm. At the Battle of El Guettar, the Battalion, along with the rest of the 1st Infantry Division, was overrun by the entire 10th German SS Panzer Division. Forced to destroy their guns and withdraw fighting, the Proud Americans nevertheless were back in action again within hours and in time to repulse a second assault. For its gallant stand and determined combat spirit at El Guettar, the Battalion was awarded the Presidential Unit Citation.
During the invasion of Europe, the 1st Infantry Division and the 32nd Field Artillery Battalion spearheaded the attack at the most difficult point -- Omaha Beach. In the bloodiest and most chaotic of the D-Day landings, the 32nd Field Artillery Battalion was the first complete artillery unit in action on Omaha Beach, and is credited with the first Allied Field Artillery round fired in the invasion. The unequaled support rendered by the Proud Americans to their supported infantry resulted in the award of a second Criox de Guerre and the forwarding of a recommendation for a second Presidential Unit Citation.
The 32nd Field Artillery drove eastward with the 18th Combat Team, and on Setember 11, 1944, Battery C, claimed the first round fired onto German Soil by an Allied unit in World War II.
In 1957 the battalion colors were folded at Fort Riley, Kansas. Concurrently, Battery B was redesignated Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, 2nd Battalion, 32nd Artillery. The Battalion was then redesignated Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, 2nd Missile Battalion (Honest John), 32nd Artillery in 1958. The Battalion inactivated in 1962 at Fort Hood, Texas.
In 1963, the Battalion activated as 2nd Battalion (175mm) (SP), 32nd Artillery at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. In July 1965, the Battalion was alerted for deployment to Vietnam where it would serve until 1971. During the Vietnam era, the unit again saw considerable battle in the Counteroffensive Phases II through VII, TET 69/Counteroffensive and the Consolidation I and II campaigns, earning credit for 12 campaigns and was awarded the Presidential Unit Citation (Army) streamer.
While in Vietnam the Battalion was assigned to the 23rd Field Artillery Group which supported the 1st Infantry Division, the 25th Infantry Division, the 25th ARVN Division, the 10th ARVN Division, the 173rd Airborne Brigade and the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment.
By October 1967, the Battalion had fired 150,000 rounds in support of operations throughout the Republic of Vietnam. In 1969, the Battalion retubed Charlie Battery's guns as eight inch howitzers making it a mixture of 175mm and eight inch artillery which contributed to the Battalion firing a cumulative total of over 380,000 rounds in Vietnam by the end of 1969.
In December 1971 the Battalion began turning in their equipment in preparation for deactivation. In 1972, the Battalion inactivated at Fort Lewis, Washington.